Menopause. It just isn’t fair.
Not only do you get all of the lovely side effects of a decreasing supply of estrogen in your body, but your metabolism slows as well. This is when many women notice the slow accumulation of weight. The diet and exercise routine of yesteryear just isn’t cutting it anymore.
This can be especially problematic for breast cancer survivors who may have been thrown into early menopause with therapy or who are on hormone blockers as part of their treatment. Weight gain is a common side effect of chemotherapy as well.
So what’s a girl to do? Mother Nature doesn’t have to win this one, but losing the weight is going to be more difficult that it was before menopause. Just accept that and get to it.
What changes can you make to your diet? Here’s a checklist of things you want to make sure you are doing. The closer you adhere to these, the less...
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