Is there any benefit to a ketogenic diet for a cancer patient? Thatā€™s a question that some researchers have begun asking. Theoretically, there may be reasons to consider a ketogenic diet, and we have some evidence in primary brain tumors that being on a ketogenic diet might be helpful. To get to the heart of why this might be so, researchers are asking why the ketogenic diet seems to be especially helpful in treating one type of illness involving the brain, and that is epilepsy or a seizure disorder. (To review what a ketogenic diet is and how it is helpful for weight loss, read parts I and II of this series)
The Beginnings of the Ketogenic Diet and Epilepsy
To talk about why the ketogenic diet may be useful in the treatment of epilepsy, we have to look at this dietā€™s cousin, fasting. Short term fasting has been used since Hippocrates (around 400 BCE) for the treatment of various ailments including seizure disorders. Like the ketogenic diet, fasting causes a state of ketosis. I...
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